Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Broken Tooth

Broke a tooth this morning with my finger! Can you believe it?!?

I was able to get into the dentist office quickly. I am getting two crowns. Need one more and three fillings but I'm putting those off due to the cost. At least I had money put aside that I was able to use for the first two crowns.

I was able to get back to work by 1:00 at least.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Been away.........coming back

Been awhile......

Works been so-so. Right now it's just a pay cheque. This particular job hasn't captured my imagination.

Don't get me wrong....I'm not complaining......it's just that this time around it's just......just.....well, it's just me putting in time. Hopefully next time it'll be better.

On a brighter note....

I took the family out to see the new "Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest". We all enjoyed it. Quite a few of my friends worked on it so that was cool to see.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Can't sleep

Still had insomnia again. Not as bad as the night before but I still was up till 1:00am.

The wife is really sick now. That's always fun for the family.

Friday, May 12, 2006


Man, I hate insomnia!

It's past 1:00am and I'm not even remotely tired.

I've just gotten over a minor bout with the flu and for some reason it's left me wide awake at night.

I usually get up for work between 6:30 and 7:00am so being up this late SUCKS!

Мне надо спать! Jag behöver att sova! I need to sleep!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I like this feature

This is pretty cool! I can post new things on my blog from my cell phone. That's how I an doing this one. Sweet!

They're just beautiful

I'm going to put up picks of gals I've worked with.


Because I think women are God's most amazing and beautiful creation and I want to celebrate them.

I hope you enjoy the pics. I know I enjoyed working with them!

This is the lead stunt woman that was on the film.

This is one of the makeup woman on the job.
(Don't I look happy?!?!?)
(left to right, gals only)
The production coordinator, translator/2nd AD and actress.

The makeup department translator.

Another of the makeup gals.

Translator/assistant script supervisor.

One of the actresses.

The wardrobe department translator.

This is the AD again, but she deserves a second (and third) look.

This gal was helping out with catering.

Some of the makeup students that helped us out.

One of the students that deserves a closer look!

Another of the students.

The production coordinator.

A production assistant.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Here I am

Yeah.........another freakin' blog.

So what.

Everyone has one nowadays. So why not me?

I haven't the foggiest idea what I'll put up here.

Maybe some drops of genius.

Maybe not.

Most likely just stuff to comes to mind and I feel like putting up.

Like it really matters.